Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Progress feels good!

I've been spending a lot of mornings in my classroom the past week or so and I'm finally feeling like I'm making substantial progress!  I'm waiting for some shelves to be put in a "closet" area and my custodian hasn't put the work order in yet!  UGH!  So I'm down to just a few boxes which will be unpacked when those shelves are put in!  So the last few days, I've emptied boxes I could and am really REALLY trying to get organized so I can start the year off with everything in place!  (ha ha) Here's a few things I accomplished:

I added my "minutes" to my clock!  I wonder what I could plug into the outlet that high on the wall??

Just a close up...I have the words "quarter past" "half past" and "quarter to"

The cleanest desk I've ever had!!! I'm sure it won't look like that when school starts (or in a day or two). I really struggle with keeping a clean desk BUT it's a goal for next year!

I hope this helps with organizing and a clean desk!  I usually have piles of papers everywhere and forget to file stuff.

Our calendar!  We usually count the days but try to work on 10 more and 10 less, odd/even and money.  

We practice writing money with cent signs and dollar signs and then I have money with magnets and we make that amount.

I had a few other things done but forgot to take pictures--Everyday I feel like I'm making progress so I'll keep going until it's done!  My next area is to organize my math stations and manipulatives which is a big pile right now! I've also been working on some pinterest projects--I'll post those soon!

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